Recommended Products

The resources listed below are all ones that I’ve found useful and personally recommend. They’ve helped me in my own wellness journey and I hope they can help you as well!

I update this list frequently with “the latest and greatest” resources I find, so I recommend bookmarking this page for your future reference and convenience. And if you have a resource or tool that you think I should add, I’d love to hear about it. 

Note: Some of the resources on this page are free and some are affiliate links for products that I wholeheartedly believe in, support and buy myself. If you decide to purchase any of these products through these links, I will earn a small commission and you will have my sincere thanks! I have personal experience with these products (which is why I recommend them), but please only purchase the products you feel would be useful to your own wellness journey. 



These brilliant books have been instrumental in guiding my path to whole foods and wellness. I’ve listed some of my favorites here, but more are listed in my Downshiftology store below.


Against All Grain, Danielle Walker

This was the cookbook that started me on the path to healthy, whole foods – and I’ll forever be grateful. Danielle’s recipes are easy, approachable and classic. They’re the comfort foods you’re used to with a gluten-free, grain-free spin.

My New Roots, Sarah Britton

Sarah’s delicious plant-based recipes will have you dreaming of ways to incorporate more healthy goodness into your life. While not strictly gluten-free, most of her recipes are modifiable and her laugh-out-loud commentary will have you thinking you’ve known her for ages.

Plenty More, Yotam Ottolenghi

No matter your eating style, we could all do with eating more veggies. And Yotam does a superb job at making veggies the star of any meal! Vibrant flavor, unique pairings and gorgeous presentation will have you going back to this book time and again.



Paleo ApproachThe Paleo Approach, Sarah Ballantyne

I was blown away by this book. Sarah delves heavily into the science of autoimmune disease and offers solutions, through diet and lifestyle modifications, to reverse your chronic disease cycle. Consider The Paleo Approach the encyclopedia of autoimmune diseases. And then some!

Why Do I Still Have Thyroid SymptomsWhy Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?, Dr. Datis Kharrazian

This book will be life-changing in how you understand thyroid disease. Hashimotos and hypothyroidism are frequently misdiagnosed. If you’ve been told that you don’t fit the “classical” definition of thyroid disease, but your little voice (and symptoms) say otherwise, this book has your name on it.

Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers Zebras Don’t Get UlcersRobert M. Sapolsky

Stress is quite possibly the biggest trigger of chronic diseases. Yet many of us still don’t fully grasp what is and isn’t “normal” in terms of functional stress. Well let your eyes be opened! This book delves into the physiological stress response with cutting-edge research, practical advice and oh-so-funny witty humor.



The Gifts of ImperfectionBrene Brown The Gifts of ImperfectionBrene Brown

This book is a life-changer, quite literally. Brene, through a level of brilliance and compassion, delves into the beliefs of who, what and how we think we should be. And why we think that way. Reading this book will light a spark in you, I promise. And you’ll feel like your bestie is guiding you along the way.

The Desire Map, Danielle LaPorte

How do you want to feel? Really feel? Not something we tend to think about, or place high importance on, right? We go through life doing, chasing goals…not really thinking about when we reach those milestones, how we’ll feel. Once Danielle breaks you open (and trust me, she will) you’ll look at your life through an entirely new lens.

The 4-Hour Workweek, Timothy Ferriss

I first read this book back in 2009, when it first came out. And I’ve re-read it more than a half a dozen times since….because it’s just that freakin’ good! Timothy gets you to think differently. To approach life differently. And he’ll show you that with a little mindset change, how you really can achieve the life you’ve always wanted.

 Tech Tools & Apps

Here are a few tools and apps that I’ve personally used:

Sunrise Alarm Clock: I would be lost without this! Mimicking the sun rise, this alarm clock naturally wakes you from your sleep cycle with a gradual increase in light. Trust me, waking refreshed (vs shocked awake) makes all the difference in your day.

Headspace AppThe creme-de-la-creme app for guided meditations. With numerous tracks to choose from, Headspace will have you deep breathing and relaxed in no time. It’s also not half bad to listen to Andy Puddicomb and his British accent.

Day One Journal App: Journaling has never been so easy. Day One allows you to record your thoughts, everyday moments and simple pleasures ,no matter where you’re at. While I still love my Moleskin, sometimes you just need the convenience of your phone for journaling.

Diet Controller App: I have used this app for a long time. Before my autoimmune craziness, I used it to help me lose weight. Then I realized it was the perfect historical food log to track my food sensitivities. If you’re trying to keep track of what you eat and the impact on your body, try this one out. 

Relax Melodies App: You know I love me some good sleep! But sometimes it’s hard to find that Zen when you’re lying in bed, staring at the ceiling (and the sheep are no where to be found). Enter the Relax Melodies app. With ambient sounds and melodies, you’ll be relaxed and sleepy in no time. 

Food & Ingredients, Kitchen Appliances, Gadgets (+ more!)